A fate that surpasses taboo, a love that surpasses morality...
Hyun Ji-seok (Kang Ji Hwan) is at the peak of his life at thirty-one year old he is fated to leave this earth in three short months. he is married to Park Jung-ran (Jung Hye Young), but it's not shes not his true love. The one and only thing this man wishes for is to find his one true love and spend the remaining 90 day's that he has left with her.
Hyun Ji-seok (Kang Ji Hwan) is at the peak of his life at thirty-one year old he is fated to leave this earth in three short months. he is married to Park Jung-ran (Jung Hye Young), but it's not shes not his true love. The one and only thing this man wishes for is to find his one true love and spend the remaining 90 day's that he has left with her.
Hyun Ji-seok was fated to meet Mi-yeon (Kim Ha Neul) but their hearts were destined to be broken in the end. Through an unexpected turn of events, Mi-yeon turns out to be his his first cousin. They are now desperately pleading for 90 days in which to love each other for the last time on earth.
Will their love be able to overcome the harsh realities of society?
Skang ni aku tgh layan citer ni..
Korean Drama
Tajuk : 90 Days, Falling in Love Days
Aku lom abis tgk lagi citer ni, tapi aku dah dapat rasa kan citer ni best..
Yang sebenarnya aku tak de idea nak post apa arini.. Tu pasal la aku taruk menatang nih.. Mengantuk la..Waarrgghhh!!!!!!~~
p/s : ada x sesapa yg boleh ajar aku caner nak download movie? Tolong!!!!!!!!!!
ayoooooo...u ader cr citer nie ker???...leh pinjam x ???.....harus, wajib bkn sunat lg dah kena gak tgok citer nie....ooo u nk donlot movie korea yer...selain u tube ader baru nyer ...nanti i ym u yer.....tak sangka u pun minat citer korea gak yer....uppaaaaaaaaaaaaa
hehehe...wakakaka.. i bukan upppaaa la.. annyo..~~
dah lama x nengok cite2 korean nih
best ker??
hehee..saya x tau ar
keje2 mengdownload nie mr sharil je lah
saya just bg arahan nk citer apa
ngeegee.. =P
hik hik hik mala...ko layan korean movie..x tau pon...aku mmg penggemar korean movie pon...kalo ko rajin cuba p usha "My Husband's Woman" aku selau tgok kat ASTRO channel 324, tiap² hari kul 2.30pm citer tu...
aku kan byk masa free masa dlm pantang aritu...tgok ekk...
boleh tahan la citer korea nih..suka sangat~~ winter sonata & stairway to heaven.. harus bengkak mata..
ek eleh kau ni suh aku tgk citer kul 2.30pm pulak.. celah mana pulak aku nak tgk..hehehe..
aku suka la citer korea nih
eh best erk..eh xleh dgr nie..
nk donload gak ar hihi
sila² kan men'donload'..
kalau rasa² jiwa tgh kacau, lagi best tgk citer² cam ni
dulu, suka gak layan cite korea.sebab petang kan. skrg balik keje pon kol 6.mana sompek nak tgk..
sebab tu la den nak men'donload' ni..sebab cerita kat tv semua uk surirumah jer..time² kita kerja, dia tayang kan
sha respect aaa ngan mala...kalo sha tgk cite korea sure tido punye! hehehe...
btw...mala taknak jadi aktres ke? rupe aktres korea dah ade dah:D
aku bkn suh ko tgok citer tu kat TV..
kalo ko cuti pon ko xkan dpt tgok channel tu sbb channel tu kan dlm pakej citer cina...xkan astro ko ade cite cina kot?? aku suh ko cari kat internet le download...x yah tgok kat celah²...hehehe
wakakaka..mmg citer korea ni kalau yg betul² minat je boleh layan sbb dia slow..wakaka
wak!!! rupa aktres korea dah ada, tapi body out la sha..hehe~~
ooo..baru aku faham.
hah..cakap pasal pakej astro, nanti kalau aku masuk umah baru, aku x de astro kan :( kena buka akaun baru..
lama tak layan cite korea nie..tapi citer dia best2 semua..kbnykannya citer pasal cinta, putus cinta, cinta 3 segi...pendek kata semua pasal cinta..
tu la kita kita suka..hiks~~ lagi2 kalau citer tu menuntut kita mengalir kan air mata..ayak!!! ada org x suka ker dengar aku cakap cam ni?? ada aku kesah??
kudhea.......mawi pindah umah baru je dpt astro free..ko pekejadahnye...mestilah la kena subscribe baru..muahahahaha....
lor..kau banding kan aku ngan mawi?? mawi anak emas astro.. aku mala..anak emas ramlah..wakakaka~~
hah..oo.. kudhaaa..
wakakaka..ntah apa yg aku cakap nih
nak donload mobie? tanya pak cik google: "mininova" atau terus ke : http://www.mininova.org/ pah tu cari bitcomet punye torrent client...pah tu kamu donload la sepuah-puahnyer apa2 benda pun, bukan takat mobie jer, macam2 lagih....torrent motto : sharing is caring, kalo nak bitcoment tu PM kawan....sedia membantu
mala...cite yg aku ckp tu ade kat blog aku...ko roll spai bwh skali...layan video...hehehe
timo kasih yo etomyam..nanti aii try
ok..nnt aku tgk. thanks
nak kena tgk gak citer ni...kalau mala dah promote..mesti best nih....heheeh
hehe..pandai la yanie ek..huhu~`
skang ni kak aida tengah kumpul duit nak beli tv lagi satu .. nanti boleh lah pinjam koleksi dvd tu ye .. nak ngadap je citer korea ke, cerita hindustan ke .. apa je lah ..
kak aida,
wah... naper??? kalau guna tv yg skang nix leh tgk citer korea/hindustan ker??
mcm nakkkkk jek zie nengok citer neh ah kak malaaaaa..hehehe
tgk la yang..best je citer ni. standby tisu banyak² tau
mcm mana nak tengok kalau the kiddos duk ngadap ceria dgn game tu .. tu yg ingat nak beli 1 lagi tv .. hehehe
kak aida,
oooo...ye ker?? wakakaka~~patut la gigih nak beli tv gak ek..huhu~~
mala, actually saya nie pencinta korean drama juga...cuma kebelakangan ini saya jatuh cinta kepada sinetron indon plak...parah!!!!! hahaha!!!
so, apa ending cite nie??? saya tak tgk sampai habis...
kita pon belum tgk sampai abis lagi..nnt kita bgtau ending dia caner ek
kalau u nak donlod cete korea p kat www.silentregrets.com.. byk taw..
i selalu beli DVD kat PS.. Murah je satu 15 hengget
akak dah lama tak tengok cite korea.. mana ko dpt nie dik?
thanks yang.. nanti kita try g donlod kat situ..oo kat PS ada ek??
kak elly,
wakaka~~ dapat kat tenet la kak..
dedulu saya suka download movie pakai torrent.
nur pula macam mana?
saya ni x tau caner nak download movie..hehe..eedany boleh ajar kan??
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